At the end of the Easter Season, we celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the Church. On that day, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and transformed them into courageous witnesses to the Gospel, the Good News that mankind is not lost. God has entered into suffering humanity and taking it upon Himself has brought the good of our salvation out of the evil of His death on the cross. Sin and death no longer have the final word.
Mary, Mother of the Church. Mary was with the disciples when the Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost. By God’s design, Mary is crucial to the birth and growth of the Church. As she supported the first disciples with her presence and prayers, so now she supports us in the same way. If we seek to be a faithful and lively Church, we can rely on Mary’s directions to the wine servers at Cana: “Do whatever he tells you.”
Sent Out to Tell the Good News. Remember that the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles while they were gathered in a home. They received the courage to immediately go out into the town to tell others about Jesus. When we gather at church for worship at Mass, then we are sent out to tell others about God’s saving love, to “announce the Gospel with our lives.” What are some ways we can announce the Gospel by our actions?
Members of One Body. We experience ourselves as Church within our parish communities. Aim to foster your students’ involvement in their local parish. "The parish is where the Church lives. Parishes are communities of faith, of action, and of hope. They are where the Gospel is proclaimed and celebrated, where believers are formed and sent to renew the earth. Parishes are the place where God's people meet Jesus in word and sacrament and come in touch with the source of the Church's life." (Communities of Salt and Light, p. 1)
The Church Prays and Celebrates. Prepare students to more fruitfully participate their parishes’ liturgical life. The second chapter of every unit of Blest Are We Faith in Action centers on How Catholics Worship. Share the Liturgy Background found in your teacher guide, as well as the Liturgy Connection throughout the units. Be sure to emphasize the Church’s feasts and seasons using the liturgical calendar in the Resources section.
Our World-wide Church. The Church enjoys the many cultural expressions of its members. We bring our own styles of music, customs, decorations into our local church building and events. Explore the places that were homes to the saints in the interactive map here.
Evidence of the Spirit’s Presence. Ask students: Where do you see signs that Holy Spirit is at work today? What will you look for? Consider events at school, at home, in the neighborhood, and at church. Write down your observations, including the location and situation. Illustrate one of the events you witnessed.
About the Author
Dr. Lauri Przybysz specializes in equipping families to live their vocation to be domestic churches and signs of God’s love. Lauri received the Doctor of Ministry from the Catholic University of America, and she has been both a Catholic middle school religion teacher and a faith formation coordinator at the archdiocesan and parish levels. She is the mother of six children and grandmother of 21.