At this time of year, catechetical leaders communicate many details about the upcoming year to their community of catechists, such as grade assignments, class lists, and program procedures. This type of information is important to share with catechists and teachers. There is, however, a major event that should be highlighted within our entire faith community: Catechetical Sunday, which is celebrated on the third Sunday in September.
Un domingo, en medio de los preparativos para la catequesis, unos padres de familia se acercaron y compartieron conmigo lo difícil que era llevar a sus hijos a la catequesis. Preguntaron: "¿Cómo podemos animarlos?".
We were that “Church family.” House decorated for liturgical seasons, seven children, family service projects, music lessons, chore charts, family meetings and retreats, on our third copy of Prayers for the Domestic Church.
Like other dutiful and thoughtful dads and moms on the road, I frequently returned from trips with treats for our children. When they were young, these gifts were expected. It was what they asked about as soon as I arrived home. Often their interest was stated in an almost formulaic question: What did you bring us?
Un domingo, en medio de los preparativos para la catequesis, unos padres de familia se acercaron y compartieron conmigo lo difícil que era llevar a sus hijos a la catequesis. Preguntaron: "¿Cómo podemos animarlos?".