December 2 is the beginning of the season of Advent and the beginning of the new liturgical year. Now is a great time to review the liturgical year section in the back of your Be My Disciples or Blest Are We student, catechist, and teacher editions.
Plan ahead to post a new liturgical year calendar, and celebrate its posting with a Prayer for the New Church Year. Mark upcoming solemnities and feasts with special stickers, push pins, or symbols. Take time to review with your class or family the seasons of the liturgical year and their colors, symbols, feasts, and focuses. The material in the back of your book will help you lead this discussion.
By Mary Regina Morrell
When I was growing up, I noticed how my mom displayed and treasured the many different gifts my dad gave her over the years. Among those gifts were a variety of painted and jeweled eggs. Their beauty shone in the remarkable designs and craftsmanship of their shells.
When I received an exceptionally lovely porcelain egg music box a few years ago, I believed all I needed to know about it was on the outside. To keep it safe, I placed it behind the glass doors of our hutch. For years it stood there with not much more than a casual glance from me.
One day, after a difficult situation caused me to wonder if my guardian angel had