Here we are, moving through the 50 days of Easter toward Pentecost on May 28. This time, and, indeed, all the days ahead, provide us with the opportunity to be intentional in living the characteristics of Easter people, learned as we journeyed through Holy Week with Christ – courage, gratitude, generosity, prayer, sacrificial love and joy.
You have heard about the Synod that is taking place in our church. Synod means to journey together. Think of walking along a path while having a heart-to-heart discussion with companions. A synod is a gathering where participants spend time together, pray, talk and listen to each other, and discern ways to take action.
There are times, whether we are teachers, writers, engineers, counselors or chefs, when we have to move past our skills, experience and wisdom, and pick up a broom.
As often happens when families gather around the table for a meal, even to celebrate holy days born out of the love of God, like Easter, discussions often become heated arguments with anger sending family members into other rooms to get away from the fray.
In my years working for the Church, I have met many people with varied devotional practices; many, of course, to Mary under her different titles, to Jesus or to the saints, but I never met anyone who had a devotion to the Holy Spirit, until I met my mother-in-law.
“Nothin’” It seems to be the favorite response of every child when asked, “What did you do in school today?”
The name “Mary” is used 54 times in the New Testament. The name Mary comes from the Latin and Greek names Maria and Mariam. No matter how many Marys there were, each had a role in the story of salvation. Study about all the Marys to learn how each on participated in Jesus’ mission.