Question of the Week, Second Sunday of Lent, Year B
Today’s Second Reading (Romans 8:31b-34) has long been one of my favorite Scripture passages. When I find myself feeling defeated, discouraged, or confused, I often quote it to myself. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31b)
Being the founder and facilitator of an online network of intercessory pray-ers has had an unexpected perk—in addition to the privilege of praying for others. The prayer network, and the daily requests of those who carry the cross of Christ, has the unique ability to keep me grounded in gratitude, not only when it is my time to ask for prayers.
Question of the Week, 1st Sunday of Lent, Year B
After almost a year of dealing with a pandemic that has brought monumental loss, anxiety, and, often, a brooding melancholy that is hard to shake, it sometimes seems hard to find the blessings.
Question of the Week, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Sometimes, if you are lucky while reading through the many quotes that are buffeted back and forth and shared in workshops, retreats, and now, social media, you find one that resonates enough with you to cause you to pause, to reflect, and possibly, make a difference in how you live your faith.
Question of the Week, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
Looking out my door during an unusually heavy snowfall recently, I was reminded of some typical days growing up in Albany, N.Y. I can’t count the number of times I bundled up in double or triple layers to shovel the driveway before my dad came home from work.