This month, I’d like to invite you to do a bit of exploring to find some treasures available to you for free throughout the catechetical year. This month’s newsletter provides you with three of the treasures—articles written by Dr. Timothy Hogan and Rev. Robert J. Hater, Ph.D., and a monthly prayer for families.
Begin your exploration by going to Scroll to the bottom of the screen and find the column titled “Our Company.” Here is where you will begin to find the treasures!
Click on “Catholic Resources.” You may recognize some of the offerings listed there, including the seasonal downloadable materials and the catechetical newsletters. Newer to the list of resources are the downloadable monthly prayers for families. This month’s prayer is the July prayer from that collection.
The body of resources also includes a collection of articles by Dr. Timothy Hogan, titled “Catholic Parenting 101: Tips for Building Strong Catholic Families.” His article,
“Confronting the Challenges of Bullying,” is this month’s family article.
Click on “Missionary Discipleship” and discover a series of seven articles written by Robert J. Hater, Ph.D. These articles will enrich your understanding of missionary discipleship and the New Evangelization as they apply to your personal, family, and professional life. The third article in the series, “Evangelization and Catechesis,” is this month’s religion teacher and catechist article.
Continue your treasure hunt by clicking on “Saints Resources.” Access this treasure through the RCL Benziger Web site or by going directly to You will discover expanded stories of the saints who are a part of the Blest Are We and Be My Disciples families and the stories of many other saints. The Saints Index will help you locate the saint you are looking for. The Saints of the Month feature, including an image map, will help you celebrate with the children the many feasts and memorials on the Church calendar.
The third, and newest treasure to date, is “Family Resources.” Available at Family Resources are downloadable models for Faith Formation using Blest Are We or Be My Disciples. The models described are Classroom, At Home, Intergenerational, and Summer Concentrated.
I hope you enjoyed this month’s treasure hunt! New treasures are offered throughout the year, so make it a point to return often in order to explore all that is available to you. You never know what new treasures you will find!
Mary Sellars Malloy has over forty years’ experience as a Catholic educator and lay minister. She is a frequent workshop presenter on the topics of prayer, liturgy, spirituality, the Sacraments, and the RCIA. In addition, Mary leads retreats and parish missions throughout the country. Her goal is to encourage Catholics of all ages to appreciate and to live their Catholic faith.