As you enter the big box retail stores, you see the “back to school” displays filled with pencils, notebooks, crayons, and everything that is needed to return to school. I remember when I was young, the excitement of getting new crayons, a brand new pink eraser, and other new school supplies.
Growing up in the Midwest we finished the school year around Memorial Day and did not resume until after Labor Day—giving us a wonderfully long summer vacation. But our learning never actually stopped. Daily chores and other labors and activities provided us life lessons and experiences well beyond classroom learning.
Our faith experience is similar. Young people might not be in a formal Catholic school or religious education sessions during the summer months, but whether they—or we—realize it or not, they are still engaged in the formation of their faith. We hope they are using what they learned during the year to live as young disciples over the summer.
In a few weeks, they will be returning to school days and formal faith formation sessions. Now is our opportunity to “check in” with them and help them to remember their summer, with a twist. Using some form of reflection, ask them to journal, reflect, or discuss things like:
- Their summer stories – did they go on a mission trip, help with VBS, help neighbors or relatives with a yard or other work? How were they Christ-like to others?
- How did they experience God this summer? In the beauty of nature, a grateful smile of a child? A tearful goodbye to a friend? Were they able to recognize that moment?
- Did they face any challenges? Did they feel the presence of God in a special way as they visited relatives? Or a loved one in the hospital or another facility?
- How have they been the light of Christ to others this summer?
(A selection of these activities were taken from the new Blest Are We Faith in Action.)
Encourage them to continue to reflect upon their daily experiences throughout the rest of the year. RCL Benziger’s “basal” resources, such as Blest Are We, Be My Disciples, Stories of God’s Love, and sacramental preparation programs, can help you quickly accomplish this. Our prayer books and bibles can also assist you in the ongoing formation of your children/teens or yourself. Find your local sales representative to discuss how we can best serve you.
We hope your summer has included time for rest and reflection.