On a recent afternoon spent with family at a birthday barbecue, one of my young grandchildren stood next to me watching his siblings play cornhole. There was laughter, and hooting and hollering, from the aunts and uncles as four youngsters tried their best to land the bean bag in the hole.
Out of the clear blue sky, the child next to me says, “I love summer.”
“Why is that?” I asked.
“Because there’s time,” he said matter-of-factly.
Sometimes we forget that adults are not the only ones aware of the dearth of time in our daily lives, the rush and demands of work and school, the seemingly endless car trips to activities, and for those who are raising medically fragile children, the repetitive visits to doctors and therapy, that suck the time out of every day.
Children are aware of the lack of time, and grateful when school is suddenly over and time opens up for them. But summer for adults doesn’t always hold the same freedom. There is no last day of work. Family responsibilities do not take a vacation.
Yet, having the mindset of summer can be helpful when we intentionally forge moments that allow us to benefit from the gifts of summer. The truth is time is always there. What differs are our decisions in how time will be used.
In doing some summer reading, I came across the reflection and prayer below, which can serve as a framework for how we might take the time we need this summer to grow ourselves. The quotes in italics were added by me for additional reflection.
Summer Activities
Take time to claim your strength; they are gifts of God.
“The future starts today, not tomorrow.” St. John Paul II
Take time to have fun; it's God's way of teaching you your strengths.
“Jesus, help me to simply my life by learning what you want me to be, and being that person.” St. Therese of Lisieux
Take time to grow yourself; only you can grow you.
“Have patience with all things, but first of all, with yourself.” St. Francis de Sales
Take time to trust yourself; God trusts you.
“The saints did not all begin well, but they ended well.” St. John Vianney
Take time to be self-reliant; it is better than being dependent.
“The secret to happiness is to live moment to moment, and to thank God for all he sends to us, day after day.” St. Gianna Molla
Take time to share with others; they will bless you, and you will bless them.
“Genuine love is demanding, but it’s beauty lies precisely in the demands it makes.” Pope Francis
Take time to have hope, you are a child of God.
“Is not Jesus pointing to children even as models for grownups?” St. John Paul II
Let's put ourselves into the hands of the Lord and pray that God will bless us and our families during the wonderful months of summer. May we all help make our home a place of relaxation, joy, love, peace and safety. May we be generous and considerate, not thinking only about ourselves, but helping others enjoy the blessings of summertime. Lord God, Creator of all things, guide our steps and strengthen our hearts, during these months of summer and vacation days. Grant us refreshment of mind and body. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
~ Found on: catholicdoors.com

Mary Clifford Morrell, mother of six and grandmother to ten, is a Catholic journalist, editor, and author who has served the Dioceses of Metuchen and Trenton, New Jersey; Burlington, Vermont, and RENEW International in the areas of religious education and communication.