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Wednesday, February 1
Celebrating the Nation

Today we are invited to take time to pray for our country, our leaders, and for the world.

As citizens, we all have rights and responsibilities. The Catholic Social Teaching principle of Rights and Responsibilities names the fundamental rights—to life, to food, to shelter, to adequate healthcare, to education, and to work. The principle of Solidarity reminds us that one of our main responsibilities is to work for justice. In the Gospels, Jesus calls us to work for peace.

Three Ways to Celebrate the Nation-School Connection

  1. Talk about what makes a good leader. Brainstorm the names of people who are good leaders in your school, parish, or community and discuss why they are good leaders. 
  2. Brainstorm ways to be peacemakers. Discuss how the qualities of peacemakers are similar to the qualities of good leaders. Challenge each student to think of one way he or she will be a peacemaker in the coming week.
  3. Write local government leaders or invite them to meet with your class to talk about the importance of Catholic education. As an alternative, invite younger students to draw pictures about your Catholic school. You may want to consider that when inviting local government leaders to talk with your class, ask them to provide a video or invite them digitally for a conversation with students in real-time.


The five themes of Family Life include the theme of God’s gift of community. Family Life prepares parents and children to live by the Gospel values and leadership qualities of honesty, courage, self-discipline, and fidelity.


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