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Monday, January 30
Celebrating Your Community

Today we celebrate the call of all disciples of Jesus to live their lives in service to others. 

The Church’s Catholic Social Teaching reminds us that we have a responsibility to protect the life and dignity of all people, to ensure that the basic needs of all people are met—including the right to adequate health care and education, and to show special care to the poor and vulnerable.

Three Ways to Celebrate the Community-School Connection

  1. Write thank-you notes or prep treat baskets for local community leaders such as the mayor, fire chief, police chief, or local firefighters and police officers.
  2. Collect and donate educational materials for students in underserved communities or collect books and games for a local family shelter.
  3. Host a dress-down day, asking students to donate $1 toward Catholic Charities or another local ministry to those in need.
  • Create a digital thank-you presentation for local community leaders. 
  • Invite community leaders to a virtual open house. You may want to include video student, teacher, and parent-led tours and testimonials.
  • Encourage families to send thank you notes or suggest locations where they may donate special treats (safely). You may wish to provide a downloadable postcard for families to use for their notes. Be sure to include your school name and logo.

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Every chapter of Blest Are We Faith in Action, Grades 1-8, contains a Faith in Action lesson that highlights one of the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching. Students learn how the principles are lived out in school and parish ministries, and they are invited to make everyday connections to their own lives.

Find additional resources for families from RCL Benziger at -